User's Agreement
1. 学生注册前请先确定导师已经先行完成注册,然后学生选择自己对应的导师课题组
Students should register after their PI finished registration, and then choose corresponding PI’s “research group/ lab”
2. 注册时核对系统同步的组织架构是否正确,如果不正确,请手动选择本地组织机构,选择所在的院系
Check the “organization” and correct it manually while necessary
3. 注册时邮箱和联系方式必须填写
“Email” and “phone” are required
4. 注册时请核对同步的人员类型信息是否正确,如果不正确请手动选择
Check the “type” of personal information and correct it while necessary
5. 学生用户注册时请填写账户的有效期
Student user should fill the valid period while register